We believe that every young person’s life is full of potential.

It’s why we’re committed to helping young care-leavers overcome adversity and build safe, fulfilling and meaningful lives.




Young people in care are amongst the most disadvantaged in society, most having suffered serious abuse or trauma in early life. Many have to leave care before they’re ready, often with unaddressed mental health issues, and desperately lacking the support they need to cope with the transition into adulthood.

Without the support a loving family provides, they feel alone and disenfranchised by a system that repeatedly fails them.

We offer a holistic package of support to young people at this crucial time, that has a lasting positive impact on their future mental, physical and social well-being.


What we do


1-to-1 support 

Our key workers provide 1-to-1 coaching, mentoring and support with everyday tasks like managing finances and accessing health services – helping young people develop important life and independent-living skills.

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 young adult support charity in Lambeth and London


Our tailored programmes offer counselling alongside innovative therapies, such as dramatherapy and dance movement psychotherapy, in individual & group settings. We also offer TheraPlay, a child and family therapy for building and enhancing attachment.

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A safe place to live

We offer young people modern, aspirational and safe accommodation with a start-up kit and personalisation budget so they can make it their own. A comfortable home where they can live, learn and grow.

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Our innovative therapeutic approach is at the heart of everything we do.

By addressing our young people’s emotional well-being, we promote resilience
and independence, helping them towards a brighter future.

To put it another way, we don’t just turn the light on for them.
We show them how to find the switch 


  • Young Futures CIC  |  Supporting young people leaving care gallery image 1
  • Young Futures CIC  |  Supporting young people leaving care gallery image 2


Young Futures CIC

info@youngfutures.org.uk 127 Lambeth Walk, London, SE11 6EE

Community Interest Company No: 5962550   

For placement enquires and referrals please call: 07811 155838 or 07940 352283

Yvonne House duty 24/7  Tel: 07896 102 842
Community out-of-hours on-call Monday to Friday 5pm to 9am,  weekends and bank holidays Tel: 07435 964 589